Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Grrr, Hulk smash! I'm a girl - just call me 'he' (Thanks to Flyboy for this one).

It's hard to tell whether the writer is getting her genders mixed up with her sexuality or whether she in the first few paragraphs is meeting a load of 'women born, male presenting lesbians', but she doesn't do herself favours with sentences like I was looking at the TeaNY menu wondering how you could have macaroni cheese in a vegan cafe and then reasoning that if a girl can now be a boy and cheese can now be vegan, then maybe the chair I was sitting on was a teapot and the dog that Moby (a "bio boy") was patting was, in fact, an elephant. Because a woman not wanting to present as a woman is just as mad, do you see?!

Chances are that the transboy thing will end up in Britain... The question is, have the Americans gone too far this time?
Call the Queer Morality Police!
On the one hand, the "transboy" movement seems fantastically avant garde -
Phew, just so long as we're all glamorous and look like either Mel Gibson or Julia Roberts we'll be all right then.
- after all, why should it be possible to buy at least six different kinds of bagel in New York city and yet be limited to a mere two choices of gender? Maybe the trend is a way for women to get their own back on all those queenie gay boys who've been going round calling themselves "she" for years.
Yep, it's the fags fault. Next week- Why the Village People made it impossible to want to be a builder.
And certainly, being forced to refer to a woman as "he" as you are being served by "her" in a restaurant makes you reassess your whole approach to the concept of gender.
'Forced'? She makes it sound like these terrible fierce dykes gave her Chinese burns every time she got the gender wrong. If I call the writer a 'he' and she asks me to change it to her correct form of gender, can I sue her for the mental distress of having to taking her opinion into account?


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