Thursday, November 06, 2003

The tabloids have been using the same old photo's in the last few days as the trial of the man ACCUSED (i.e: NOT YET PROVEN TO HAVE DONE, for the benefit of the slow people in the media) of the killing of schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman begins. I think everyone in the country must now be familiar with the three pictures now, of the girls wearing their football kit, of the accused, Ian Huntley, looking like a mental defective, and his girlfriend Maxine Carr who has been given the starring role in her photo as Myra Hindley: The Next Generation, despite the fact that no-one ever suggested that she had anything to do with the actual murders, whether or not Huntley was involved. By the end of it if Huntley and Carr aren't guilty they may wish they were, and the tabloids will be attributing miracles to Saints Jessica and Holly. What remains to be seen is whether their parents will slip away into obscurity or take it upon themselves to try and get the law changed so 'nothing like this can ever happen again'.


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