Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I don't like conspiracy theories as a rule but there's something about this massive chemical attack that we've been saved from that concerns me. As experts will say, the important part of this, the osmium tetroxide, is not easily available. It's also not particularly nasty in a 'dirty bomb causing massive amounts of radiation' kind of way. So there is a little part of me that isn't convinced. Al Qaeda don't seem to have gone in much for chemical attacks thus far, Sept. 11th was straightforward blunt force, the Allies used more chemicals in their attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq. Madrid was very much a home-grown affair, as the suicides of the surviving conspirators proved. It's not beyond the realm of possibility but so far the only other chemical attack, the spate of mailed Anthrax in America, looks more like it was the work of some nutjob in the Government trying to draw attention to his or her countries lax security when it came to dangerous chemicals.

So who was reponsibile this time? Something tells me we won't be seeing a dossier from Tony on this occasion.


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