Thursday, April 15, 2004

It's hard to say what effect Bush declaring Palestinians have no rights in Middle-East will actually have. After all, the US have always backed Israel for decades whilst trying to play it to their public that they wanted to broker a fair and just settlement between the two, which is why news of every new Palestinian atrocity is met with eyes to the heavens and an "I can't understand why they don't like Israel taking their land and killing their people!" attitude. The Road Map was yet another flawed document that demanded the Palestinians had to do all the work to ensure there was peace which would, in the final analysis, be measured on the Israeli's terms.

So at least we had honesty from Bush. The gameplan is simple. The Palestinians now officially have no hope, where as before that was simply an informal fact. The suicide bombings will continue but I doubt there will be much increase in frequency, they were almost certainly going to happen anyway. But Bush has committed the US to the destruction of another Muslim state and it's people by proxy, which means that the safety of the Western world has decreased further.

And politicians claim they don't know what makes people want to be suicide bombers!


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