Thursday, August 12, 2004

Is The Guardian planning some "Stop this sex-reassignment surgery madness!" campaign to get them through the quiet summer months? Two articles in as many weeks about people that had sex change operations and now regret it. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't for the fact The Guardian's record on ts reporting is appalling and that both articles are so sloppily written as to make it sound that anyone could walk into their doctor's tomorrow and walk out with a brand new set of genit@lia. Googling for Batty only seems to reveal he's who the Guardian contact when they want an article that's critical of the state of health and mental healthr provision in the UK today, so any axe he has to grind would appear to be from the 'transsexuality is a mental disorder to be treated with therapy rather than surgery' point of view. There's also this, same guy>?


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