Monday, December 06, 2004

I read Bad Signal, mainly because if you strip away the bluster and bullshit, two things which no half decent writer should be without, Warren Ellis has some good ideas. But the poor dear sent out an email today to justify complaints about the interchangeable nature of some of his characters, they are the ones that often chain smoke, drink too much, swear as much as the editor will allow Ellis to do, are mavericks that buck the system... see Pete Wisdom, Spider Jerusalem, Elijah Snow, Jenny Sparks, Colonel Bukovic... Often one of the first things they do on turning up is to find someone to give a speech to to show how much of a hard-arse they are. It gets irritating when you've read more than, say, one title that Ellis has written.

I happen to like writing driven people with one or two personal vices and the ability to speak with half a grain of wit... but according to my recent email
I'm being lazy when I do that and should be writing more PLANETARY or putting more fight scenes in ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR.

Are people saying this to him because characters which are the same are generally considered a bad thing? Is it because of him? No. it's because the vanilla comics fan [has] become ascendant online. Poor baby. We really don't deserve him.


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