Thursday, June 30, 2005

"Excuse me Little Hombre,
Take my number, call me,
I can get Squeaky so,
You can come and oil me

Definitely my favourite track at the moment and, as promised, the album is on the shelf and the tracks on my iPod.

"But if you follow me, I will follow you into the unknown,
Like Apollo, like Apollo we'll fly to the moon,
Yes if you follow me, I will follow you into the unknown,
Like Apollo, like Apollo 13 we'll explode."

The most noticeable thing here is not Bernard's guitar playing which is, at best, as good as you should expect, but Brett's lyrics. There is not one song here which uses a repeated lyric, no 'Down', no 'Picnic by the Motorway' with it's "I'm so sorry", "everything will flow". I don't know how Suede/The Tears work on tracks but the clear message you get from Brett on this is "fuck, I've got to raise my game here". These are the best lyrics we've had since that tricky Bern/Dick crossover point between Dog Man Star and Coming Up. And though a number of preoccupations are similar, 'you and me against the world', they've been expanded, we've gone beyond Europe being our playground to an acceptance that America and Asia aren't bad either, and even in the penultimate song, to the moon! This allows us to postulate that, should Brett and Bern split up again, the next, or Type Three, band that Anderson would form would do songs about slipping away with his passive girlfriend for a quiet weekend on Venus, or monolith-spotting on Europa. We could take this a stage further by asking, what would a Type ? Anderson band sound like?

In other news I've been stuck for literal days at 99% on my download for the Global Frequency. There was even something about it in the Metro paper this morning (the show, not my download). Now there's something that deserves the time and money of the Save Enterprise people much more than their wretched show. If it was a show like DS9 or Voyager then trying to save that I could understand, but Enterprise? Almost four series in and Mayweather has had precisely one and a half stories about him, Sato has had only two or three. Lieutennant Reed has similarly few although he does get to play with guns a lot. That's some seventy episodes and you can't be bothered to look at half the cast so why should we be bothered to be interested in you? Any other show that was so cavalier wouldn't even make it to the end of the first season.


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